Unlocking End-to-End Property Security with Smart Solutions
In today's fast-paced world, property managers and owners are constantly seeking innovative solutions to enhance the safety, convenience, and efficiency of their properties. WelcomeLink, Ringo, and Alertify are three cutting-edge technologies revamping how to manage properties, particularly in the short-term
Pametni domofon
Pametni domofon za večstanovanjske hiše oz. bloke, ki je lahko na voljo le za enega stanovalca ali za vse Če že poznate Ringo - pametni kontoler za vrata, verjetno veste, da je Ringo zelo uporaben za stanovalce v blokih, kjer Ringo
Smart Intercom
Smart intercom for apartment buildings for a single user or the whole building If you already know Ringo - smart door controller, you probably know that Ringo is very useful for residents in apartment buildings where Ringo controls your apartment and
Smart door for your home
The magic of a smart home—a residence connected to the internet, allowing seamless control over various devices and systems. Many people today are already experiencing the convenience of smart appliances like TVs, virtual assistants such as Alexa or Siri, smart
Zakaj plačevati mesečno naročnino za Ringo?
Dobro vprašanje. Seveda lahko kupite preprosto cilindrično pametno ključavnico, kot enkratni nakup in vrata že lahko odprete preko pametnega telefona. Preprosto delite enkratno veljavno kodo svojimi gosti in to je to. Problem rešen. Ali pač!? No, ne ravno
Ringo alternative to Lockbox
We see many cities not allowing lock boxes or lockboxes anymore, because they either damage street furniture, design of the street, especially if antique and at the same time they invite burglars. Lock boxes are easy to break and invite
Sobodajalstvo v bloku
Sobodajalstvo v turizmu je lahko zelo zanimiv hobi, investicija ali celo služba. Veliko je benefitov, saj spoznavamo nove ljudi, kulture, je razgibano delo in tudi finančno se lahko izplača. Če pa nismo resno pripravljeni na tak podvig, pa lahko naletimo
Se ne želite več “zafrkavati” z gosti?
Zakaj pride do "zafrkancije"??? Težave: Gost je sporočil, da pride ob 4ih in ga ni. Mogoče ne po njegovi krivdi. Ponavadi tudi ne sporoči in ne vemo, ali naj čakamo ali ne, in kako dolgo še? Še večja težava je, če
A new modern look for Ringo
Hello! We were listening to you, our bellowed customers! Let us introduce you to the new Ringo experience which all of you helped to create: 1. First, we simplified the door design and moved the icons further away from the door to get
Is Ringo suitable for you?
Attention this will sound like a sales article! However, I will honestly add some of my thoughts on whether it is worth buying our service. Ringo lock is really not suitable for everyone, as it is mostly suitable for Airbnb hosts in