Smart Intercom

Smart Intercom

Smart intercom for apartment buildings for a single user or the whole building

If you already know Ringo – smart door controller, you probably know that Ringo is very useful for residents in apartment buildings where Ringo controls your apartment and building doors. You can open it via your phone remotely or share a digital key with others (deliveries, guests, cleaning services, family & friends…).


Ringo installation and working Animation

Ringo is installed in your apartment, connected to your door and to your intercom handle, like the picture shows:

Ringo installation

*Ringo team provides all the necessary equipment and materials for the installation. 


From here you can remotely open your apartment door and the building doors or share a digital key for one or both doors.

You can open doors via your phone and you can do it from anywhere. If you share a digital key with your friends or family, they can open it too. Basically Ringo becomes a wireless intercom and a smart lock at the same time.

You can share digital keys with other residents in the building and they can control the building door via their phone as well.

For every entry you see a history log who entered and when. You can prolong or cancel digital keys anytime.

Ringo can be used in apartment buildings for a single resident or all. 

For a single user there is no need for permission from other residents since Ringo is installed only in that resident’s apartment. 

If all the residents decide to use Ringo as a general intercom, then Ringo is installed on the communal door of the building.

What about elderly people or people without smart phones?

No problem, we install an NFC reader on the outside of the building doors, where people with no smart phones can use an NFC keychain or classic keys to open the doors. It is suitable for smart phone users and non smart phone users.

It is super fast & easy to replace or upgrade an old intercom system. 

Ringo can act as a standalone intercom system for the whole apartment building. Or it can be installed and used by a single resident with no influence to other residents in the building.

Why should I choose Ringo?

Ringo fits all doors and all intercom systems. It is being installed by a Ringo professional and we provide all the technology for Ringo to work with your door and intercom. You will get unlimited warranty and fast local support. You don’t have to buy new devices each year to stay up to date and we send you a new one if the old one breaks. It is perfect for users living in apartment buildings.

What benefits would I gain?

Price: 10 EUR /month
This is not much if you think about it… you are not home and you forgot to give the keys to your friend or neighbour to water your plants or feed your cat. If you need to turn around your car, lose time and money, 10 EUR per month is worth it. Agree?

To use Ringo it can be convenient for deliveries, control when a teenager comes home, open doors for friends and family if we are being late, open doors to get help for elderly or for people with disabilities… 

If you are a tech savvy person or a person who wants an extra convenience without hassle, let us know.